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更新时间:2020/4/24 13:42:21信息编号:2680424
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A lot of people bought a house to consider the problem of decoration, but they don't know much about the cost of new house decoration. Today, Jinan Decoration editor will show you the reasonable range of new house decoration cost.


Now, the decoration fee is generally 6000-8000 yuan for 100-140 square meters of hardcover design, and 7500-8000 yuan for effect drawing for decoration Road of hardcover design, and 6000-6500 yuan for illustration of water and electricity lines without effect drawing, and 4000-5000 yuan for simple type If the area is larger and more luxurious, there will be more decoration charges.


How about the design fee of decoration company?


1. First: free design, this kind of way can be said to be very common, why not charge any fee? The first reason is that it is a promotion method for the company to solicit business; the second reason is that the level of designers themselves is limited.


2. The second kind: 300-500 yuan is mostly, so we should call it service fee rather than service fee. The company's designers go to the owner's home to make actual measurement, and then give drawings. Generally speaking, the designers of this kind of fee are engaged in design work for about 3-5 years, and have some experience and design ideas, so the design scheme is relatively better.


3. The third kind: charge 20-120 yuan per square meter. Compared with the above two kinds, this is the highest price. Generally, the company runs in high-end commercial office buildings and is well-known in the industry. The designers of this kind of charge have certain design ideas and design concepts, including design skills, and are relatively mature, often mastering large-scale home decoration experience.


As for price, there is no standard in any industry, and the decoration is divided into many grades and styles. In addition, there will be some changes depending on the area, case area and complexity. Generally, most of the first tier cities are priced by square. According to the level and popularity of each designer, the fees charged by each company or designer are different. Every year, there are tens, tens and thousands of them. In fact, some engineering teams, under the banner of free design fee for construction, are all in the process of construction. According to the 2015 interior design charge standard issued by the state, the minimum design charge standard is as follows:


1. General designer: from 50-100 yuan / m2; director level designer: from 150 yuan / m2;


2. Senior Designer: from 200 yuan / m2. It should not be chosen blindly, but should be determined according to the level or acceptance ability you want. It is recommended that you consult with the design agency directly to understand the specific charging matters.


In fact, there is no uniform standard for the decoration design fee, because there are many factors that affect it. For example, the price of hardcover design will be higher. Its price (100-140 square meters) is generally 7000-9000 yuan. If it is hardcover design, it will also produce an effect picture when decoration, then its charge is about 8500-9000 yuan. If it does not produce an effect picture, the price will be cheap Some of them only need to pay 7000-7500 yuan for the decoration plan and explanation.


If is the design that kind of ordinary simple type, generally speaking only needs 5000-6000 yuan to be able. If area is bigger, still want to design more luxurious decorate, charge also a few more. Therefore, it depends on personal preferences. Choose your own style according to personal preferences, and then find a professional interior decoration to help you with the quotation.


I believe that after reading the above content, you should have some understanding of the reasonable scope of the new house decoration cost, and I hope it will help you.



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