For the office floor, different offices will choose different floors. In the decoration of the office, the ground is not easy to be too fancy. Generally, soft and comfortable ground materials are selected. Today, Jinan Office decoration editor will show you how to choose
Wood floor gives a natural feeling, not only comfortable but also beautiful. It is a reflection of green environmental protection. It is warm in winter and cool in summer. If it is used for home decoration, it is a good choice. However, the wooden floor needs more maintenance. This kind of floor is greatly affected by the weather, and it is easy to deform and bulge after being immersed in water. Another disadvantage of office wood floor is that it is easy to be scratched by sharp objects. Although the cost of composite floor is relatively low, it contains formaldehyde. Therefore, the office floor decoration should try not to choose wood floor.
The high-strength composite floor has high hardness, good wear resistance, simple and convenient pavement, low price, but slightly poor foot feel. Solid wood floor has good foot feeling, natural texture and color, and slightly poor hardness. And because it is natural, so texture, color difference is big, when paving need to hit wooden keel, the price is relative. Higher.
Generally speaking, the office area is where people come and go, and the floor should be more wear-resistant. If the office wood floor is used, the office area is difficult to maintain. If the office area is large and there are many people, it is recommended to lay floor tiles. If the office area is small and the number of people is small, then the floor will be better and more beautiful.
基层处理 → 防水薄垫铺设 → 木办公室装修地板铺设 → 清洁保护
Base treatment → waterproof thin mat laying → wood office decoration floor laying → cleaning and protection
1. 基层处理:基层上的砂浆、垃圾和杂物清扫干净。
1. Base treatment: clean the mortar, garbage and sundries on the base.
2. 地板采用悬浮式安装,底层附带防水薄垫。
2. The floor is installed in suspension type, and the bottom layer is provided with waterproof thin mat.
3. 地板依据设计的排列方向铺设,每个房间找出一个基准边统一带线,周边缝隙保留8MM左右,企口拼接时满涂特种防水胶,缝隙紧密后及时擦清余胶。当长度超过8MM,宽度超过5MM时,则要设伸缩缝,安装专用卡条。
3. The floor shall be laid according to the arrangement direction of the design. Each room shall find a uniform belt line with a reference edge, and the surrounding gap shall be kept about 8mm. Special waterproof glue shall be fully applied when splicing the tongue and groove, and the remaining glue shall be wiped timely after the gap is tight. When the length is more than 8mm and the width is more than 5mm, expansion joints shall be set and special clamps shall be installed.
4. 复合地反安装,安装前地面须干净、干燥、稳定、平整,在安装前要修补不规则之处本 地 生 活 网。测量房间尺寸,计算出需要多少块地板,并考虑最后补缺地板块量,备好地板块。
4. The ground shall be clean, dry, stable and flat before composite ground reverse installation, and the irregularities shall be repaired before installation. Measure the size of the room, calculate how many pieces of floor are needed, and consider the amount of floor blocks to be filled and prepared finally.
5. 为了适应当地水土,在安装前应原包装保存,保存24小时左右。地板块应水平存放,切勿竖立或靠倚斜放。
5. In order to adapt to the local soil and water, the original packaging shall be preserved for about 24 hours before installation. Floor blocks shall be stored horizontally, and shall not be erected or reclined.
6. 基层坚实平整,不起壳,不起砂,表面干燥、洁净,含水率不大于15%。基层平整是保证面层平整度的关键,误差不超过3mm。
6. The base course shall be solid and flat, free from shell and sand. The surface shall be dry and clean, and the moisture content shall be no more than 15%. Base leveling is the key to ensure the flatness of the surface layer, with an error of no more than 3mm.
7. 因地板块之间用防水聚醋酸乙烯粘结,房间湿润、温度发生变化时,地板块随之应变,因此,铺设地板时,靠墙、柱子、管道或其他硬立面时,要预留8一12mm的空隙本 地 生 活 网。
7. Due to the waterproof polyvinyl acetate bonding between the floor plates, when the room is wet and the temperature changes, the floor plate will strain accordingly. Therefore, when laying the floor, 8-12mm gap shall be reserved when leaning against the wall, column, pipe or other hard facade.
8. 如房间长*宽超过8m*8m时,要预先留有宽高1:1比例的空隙结合处,空隙接合处用过渡扣板包盖。
8. If the length * width of the room is more than 8m * 8m, a gap junction with a width to height ratio of 1:1 shall be reserved in advance, and the gap junction shall be covered with transition gusset plate.
9. 管道孔:钻打的管道过孔要比管道直径大10mm。首先量度并作记号于管道在地板块的预道位置,然后用锯切割并斫下该方型或长方型块,再用尺寸合适的小方块遮盖管道靠墙处的空隙。
9. Pipe hole: the pipe hole drilled shall be 10 mm larger than the pipe diameter. First, measure and mark the pipeline at the pre track position of the ground plate, then cut and drop the square or rectangular block with a saw, and then cover the gap between the pipeline and the wall with a small block of appropriate size.
10. 扣板螺丝绝不能固定太紧,太紧地板不能浮动,也容易压翘地板块。用踢脚板封新生地板空隙。
10. The fastening plate screws shall not be fixed too tightly, the floor too tightly shall not float, and the floor plate is easy to be warped. Use skirting board to seal new floor space.
I believe that after reading the above content, you should also understand the relevant skills of office floor decoration. I hope it will help you.
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